D.A.V. Public school

R.K Ashram Marg,Sector-3 D.I.Z Area,Gole Market, New Delhi -110001 (RECOGNISED BY DOE) Phone no. : 01123743515 , 01141044139




Why Robotics Courses for School Students?


Robotics is one of the most promising technologies that is going to find its place in almost all the applications of future. From industrial manufacturing and space exploration to driving your car and preparing food in your kitchen, all activities are going to be done by Robots. Robotics was never more important than today. Robots bring a lot of efficiency, accuracy and reliability at low costs, making them ideal for applications all over the world. Students should start learning Robotics and develop an understanding on the technology from school level. This will give them the ability to understand the world and the way the world is getting shaped.

Learning Robotics also help students to develop much needed competencies like critical thinking, structural thinking, creativity and problem solving abilities which are hard to learn through conventional classroom sessions. Robotics help students to understand how science and technology is impacting the world through innovative implementation.

Robonix Labs Robotics Courses for School Students are developed keeping this in mind to deliver the right content in the right way. The Robotics Kits specially designed for School Students along with the detailed theory - in videos for online course or from trainer in workshops - help school students to understand the technical concepts while building with the kits. Robonix Labs Robotics Courses for School Students are designed in a way to start from basic concepts and build as they learn. Students also build robots practically while learning the concepts and this gives the right mix of learning and fun, keeping them engaged throughout the course.

You should get your kid started on robotics as early as you can and Robonix Labs Robotics Courses for School Students provide the right path for you to do this.

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D.A.V. Public school
R.K Ashram Marg,
Sector -3 D.I.Z Area,Gole Market
New Delhi -110001
Email Id : dmodel_50@rediffmail.com
Phone No. :  01123743515, 01141044139

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